Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Exercise.

“I can’t afford an exercise program.”  Have you ever thought that?

The effects of weakness and immobility are actually much more expensive than  the financial and time costs of regular activity.

In other words, You can’t afford NOT to exercise.

The physical, emotional, cognitive and social benefits of exercise are well documented.

Being functionally fit is an investment in yourself that greatly impacts not only your quality of life but also your financial future.

Loss of strength and mobility are a leading cause of falls.

Falls without serious injury cost $3500 annually per person and non-covered medical care costs following a fall with hospitalization and rehabilitation are $7000.

If injury or weakness requires hiring help to maintain independence, costs rise dramatically. 12 hours of in-home help typically costs $17,000 a year, while full time residence in a skilled nursing facility are around $156,000.

Fortunately,  the need for such expenses can be prevented or delayed.

Physical Therapy Compared to Costs of Falls and Increasing Levels of Care


Strength, Flexibility, Balance and Reaction Time are considered the most readily modifiable risk factors for falls.

A physical therapist is qualified to assess YOUR UNIQUE FALL RISK and tailor an exercise program to address YOUR problems so that when you are putting time in, it is truly making a difference in YOUR strength, balance and mobility.

So how much time are we talking about?

The National Council on Aging recommends 2 hours a week for strength and balance training to affect change. That time does not have to be done sequentially; it can be done in 10-15 minute increments throughout the whole week.

Together, we can come up with a plan that is fun as well as cost and time effective so you can keep doing the things YOU want to do.

Give us a call to schedule a free 20 minute Discovery Session so you can learn YOUR Balance Score and how you can improve it.

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